Nat’s having a horrible time with the puzzles in Iconoclasts, but a broken Mad Catz USB controller, and a heckling LaughingMan and Tyra saying that she plays like a “professional game journalist” aren’t helping.
Nat’s second Iconoclasts stream with Tyra and LaughingMan is plagued with issues: poor audio, framerate issues, a broken controller, and lots of heckling. Tyra and LaughingMan tell her that she has a promising career as a video game journalist. Especially in light of the game review scandals of Polygon’s abysmal “DOOM” video playthrough, GamesBeat lead writer Dean Takahashi’s embarrassing failure in the “Cuphead” tutorial, and other outlets crying for the masochistic games like “Dead Souls” and “Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice” to have ‘easy modes’. However, it’s not 100% Nat’s lack of experience with puzzle platformers; the controller that she is using is legitimately a broken piece of junk that has hit more walls than Nat shooting at zombies in Resident Evil 2 (2019).
In the meantime, Tyra and LaughingMan discuss Anita Sarkeesian using mafia shake-down tactics to get consultancy jobs in the games industry. Tyra also explains why she prefers to hang out with men, who are far more upfront about their opinions and attitudes, than back-biting, catty women. And after watching Nat struggle with the puzzles in Iconoclasts, Tyra thinks women shouldn’t be allowed in gaming. Women can be misogynists, too! Equality!
Original Air Date: June 17, 2019
Watch the full playthrough here:
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